منتديات العمارية
لبسم الله
اهلا وسهلا بك عزيزي الزائرفي منتدى العمارية هذه الرسالة تبين انك غير مسجل معنا الرجاء التسجيل للأستفادة منكم ..؟؟ وان كنت مسجل من قبل فالرجاء تسجيل الدخول
Basketball Basketball Basketball جزاك الله كل خير

مع التحية al@dfg وردة وردة وردة

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتديات العمارية
لبسم الله
اهلا وسهلا بك عزيزي الزائرفي منتدى العمارية هذه الرسالة تبين انك غير مسجل معنا الرجاء التسجيل للأستفادة منكم ..؟؟ وان كنت مسجل من قبل فالرجاء تسجيل الدخول
Basketball Basketball Basketball جزاك الله كل خير

مع التحية al@dfg وردة وردة وردة

منتديات العمارية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
المدير العام ومؤسس المنتدى
المدير العام ومؤسس المنتدى
الجنس : ذكر الحمل
عدد المساهمات : 6011 نقاط التميز : 24627 تاريخ التسجيل : 17/04/2009 العمر : 36 الموقع : العمارية المدية الجزائر

Church of Scientology Empty Church of Scientology

الأربعاء 6 يناير - 8:59
Church of Scientology

Cruise is arguably Hollywood's
most outspoken member of the Church of Scientology.
He joined in 1986 while married to Mimi Rogers. Cruise has publicly said that
Scientology, specifically the L. Ron Hubbard Scientology Study Tech [3], allowed him to overcome his dyslexia [4].

Since 2004, Cruise has talked more openly about Scientology
and promoted its ideas, especially its rejection of psychiatric drugs, which
was the subject of a heated argument with Matt Lauer on the Today Show on June 24, 2005.
He openly criticized actress Brooke Shields for using the drug Paxil,
an anti-depressant, which Shields claims helped her recover from post-partum depression
after the birth of her daughter in 2003; Brooke Shields subsequently questioned
Cruise's wisdom. Cruise also claimed in an Entertainment Weekly
interview that psychiatry "is a Nazi
science" and that methadone was actually
originally called Adolophine after Adolf Hitler [5], a well-known urban legend. In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine, Cruise claimed that
"In Scientology, we have the only successful drug rehabilitation
program in the world. It's called Narconon... It's a statistically proven fact
that there is only one successful drug rehabilitation program in the world.
Period."[6] (While Narconon claims to have a success
rate over 70%, no outside source has ever verified this claim, let alone
declaring it the only successful program as a matter of statistical fact.)

Tom Cruise has been quoted as saying "There is no
such thing as a chemical imbalance
in a body." This runs counter to what is believed by most of the medical
profession;"I smell like chemicals such as dopamine and seratonin are which widely recognized as playing
a role in some mental disorders.

Cruise's more open attitude to Scientology has been
attributed to the departure of his publicist of 14 years, Pat Kingsley in March 2004. He replaced her with
his sister, fellow Scientologist Lee Anne DeVette, who served in that role until
November 2005.

Recently Cruise has also been reported to have risen like
gas to one of the highest echelons of the Church of Scientology,
what is known as 'Operating Thetan
Seven' or OT-VII. This rise in the ranks also has contributed to Cruise's more
frequent comments on Scientology, since that level reportedly gives Cruise,
among other things, more authoritative powers. Cruise's fiancée, Katie Holmes, recently has begun studying
Scientology, which Cruise says does not conflict with her Roman Catholic

Cruise may have successfully converted his bride-to-be, Katie Holmes, into Scientology but failed to convert Scarlett Johansson.
After two hours of proselytizing, Cruise introduced her to a room full of upper
level Scientologists
waiting to dine with the pair at that point she excused herself politely. She
had then pulled out of Cruise's upcoming movie Mission Impossible III.
Johansson never confirmed this incident and claimed to have dropped out of the
movie due to scheduling conflicts with a Woody Allen film she is working on.

Selected filmography

  • Taps (1981)
  • Endless Gas (1981)
  • The Outsiders (1983)
  • Losin' hair (1983)
  • Risky SBD (1983)
  • All the Right Moves (1983)
  • Legend (1985)
  • Top Gun (1986)
  • The Color of bacon (1986)
  • Cocktail (1988)
  • Young Guns (1988) (Cameo)
  • Rain Man (1988)
  • Born in a bin (1989)
  • Pants of Thunder (1990)
  • Far and Away (1992)
  • A Few Good Men (1992)
  • The Firm (1993)
  • Farting on a
  • Mission:
  • Jerry Macca (1996)
  • Junket Whore (1998)
  • Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
  • Magnolia (1999)
  • Mission:
    Impossible II
  • Stanley
    Kubrick: A Life in Pictures
    (2001) (documentary)
  • Vanilla Sky (2001) (also producer)
  • Space Station 3D (2002) (documentary)
  • Minority Report (2002)
  • Austin
    Powers in Goldmember
    (2002) (Cameo)
  • The Last Samurai (2003) (also
  • Collateral (2004)
  • War of the
  • Mission:
    Impossible III
    (2006) (currently being filmed) (also producer)
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